Leave us your email address and get the facts, support, events and let’s end the silence.
Help us raise our voices against hate, stalking, assault, and abuse online. 

Help us raise our voices against hate, stalking, assault, and abuse online.

Leave us your email address and get the facts, support, events and help us end the silence.






A Global Movement Giving Voice and Dignity to Victims of Cyber Harassment and Online Crimes


Imagine waking up one day to find harassing meme’s, nude pictures and videos of yourself online. Images that you were not aware existed, you did not approve of and have no control of removing. The person who committed this atrocious act, you once lived with and loved, lives in a different country and wants to humiliate you and destroy your reputation – and no legislation or law enforcement can prevent this from occurring or ensure those pictures are removed.

This happened to me. I am Darieth Chisolm and I am a survivor of revenge porn, cyber sexual stalking, harassment, and extortion. 

I am also an Emmy Award-winning television personality, former NBC News Anchor, author, business visibility and life coach, and I found myself at the very center of this nightmare. During this time, I spiraled into the most unimaginable sense of pain, frustration, anger, isolation, confusion, and heartache possible.  

11 months and thousands of dollars, all spent waiting for pictures of my naked body to be taken down from a third party web site.

The pictures were taken without my consent. 

They were posted without my consent.

They remained online for months, being viewed by countless people, still without my consent.

I felt helpless and hopeless. The day I ended my silence, I freed myself from shame. Now my voice is my power and it gives me the strength to share my story in hopes of also empowering others.

In my TED talk video below, I share how I believe our cyber civil rights are in jeopardy. In the United States we need tougher laws in place, we need to hold internet companies and providers and third party website accountable for switch action to remove content, we need social responsibility around texting, sharing and posting and we need to restore dignity and respect to victims.

Let’s turn our anger into action, and our pain into power, together. Let’s work on bringing justice to the survivors of revenge porn and cyber sexual assault. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to listen to my story and share it with others.




Becoming a victim of any cyber harassment crime is scary, violating and can leave you feeling alone and unaware of what to do first or next.

Here are 7 steps you can take if you become a victim.

You can click here to download the guide or on the images to the right and save the guide.


I know thousands of people are impacted by cyber stalking and harassment, cyber rape, cyber bullying and online crimes. They sometimes feel locked away in shame and silence, not knowing where to turn or how to get help.

That’s why I created 50 Shades of Silence.

I also know there are thousands of survivors who have overcome the pain and shame and are actively advocating for victims.  If you are one of them, we want to hear from you. Share your story with us for consideration for either the upcoming documentary or the anthology, a book with a collection of personal stories. Together our voices can help create a strong call to action for legislators, lawmakers, and internet companies, promote social responsibility for texting, posting and sharing and lend support to other victims, survivors and their advocates.



We are collecting signatures to send to members of Congress requesting their support of the Enough Act by Senator Kamala Harris, that would criminalize Revenge Porn at the federal level, accompanied by harsher sentencing guidelines than many current state laws. Please click below to sign and show your support.


Imagine waking up one day to find harassing meme’s, nude pictures and videos of yourself online. Images that you were not aware existed, you did not approve of and have no control of removing. The person who committed this atrocious act, you once lived with and loved, lives in a different country and wants to humiliate you and destroy your reputation – and no legislation or law enforcment can prevent this from occurring or ensure those pictures are removed.

This happened to me. I’m Darieth Chisolm and I am a survivor of cyber sexual rape cyber stalking, harassment, and extortion. During this time, I spiraled into the most unimaginable sense of pain, frustration, anger, isolation, confusion, and heartache possible.  

I am also an Emmy Award-winning television personality, former NBC News Anchor, author, business visibility and life coach, and I found myself at the very center of this nightmare.


I know thousands of people are impacted by cyber stalking and harassment, cyber rape, cyber bullying and online crimes. They sometimes feel locked away in shame and silence, not knowing where to turn or how to get help.

That’s why I created 50 Shades of Silence.

I also know there are thousands of survivors who have overcome the pain and shame and are actively advocating for victims.  If you are one of them, we want to hear from you. Share your story with us for consideration for either the upcoming documentary or the anthology, a book with a collection of personal stories. Together our voices can help create a strong call to action for legislators, lawmakers, and internet companies, promote social responsibility for texting, posting and sharing and lend support to other victims, survivors and their advocates.


11 months and thousands of dollars, all spent waiting for pictures of my naked body to be taken down from a third party web site.

The pictures were taken without my consent. 

They were posted without my consent.

They remained online for months, being viewed by countless people, still without my consent.

I felt helpless and hopeless. The day I ended my silence, I freed myself from shame. Now my voice is my power and it gives me the strength to share my story in hopes of also empowering others, through what I call 50 Shades of Silence.

Our cyber civil rights are at stake and here in the United States we need tougher laws in place, the accountability of third party website company, social responsibility around texting, sharing and posting and we need to restore dignity and respect to victims.

Please watch the TEDx Talk below, share it and join me in spreading the message about the growing epidemic of revenge porn and cyber harassment.

Please share it and let’s make a difference in someone else’s life. Let’s turn our anger into action, and our pain into power, together. Let’s work on bringing justice to the survivors of revenge porn and cyber sexual assault. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to listen to my story and share it with others.


Becoming a victim of any cyber harassment crime is scary, violating and can leave you feeling alone

and unaware of what to do first or next.

We’ve created a quick 7 steps you can take if you become a victim.

You can click on this link to download What to do if it happens to you



We are collecting signatures to send to members of Congress requesting their support of the Enough Act by Senator Kamala Harris, that would criminalize Revenge Porn at the federal level, accompanied by harsher sentencing guidelines than many current state laws. Please click below to sign and show your support.


What is Sextortion?

You may already know that extortion is a criminal act where the offender uses blackmail, intimidation, or threats to force someone into doing something for them, such as give them money. In today’s digital age, an act similar to extortion, called sextortion, has...

Embrace Change

Inspiring Lives Magazine | Darieth Chisolm | March 21, 2019 There is one guarantee you need no one to make you. Change is coming. It’s inevitable, it’s certain, it’s consistent and whether you want it or not, you will experience it. Change can bring a lot of...


The number of revenge porn and cyberbullying victims who contemplate and commit suicide is growing, alarming and cause for immediate attention. 50 Shades of Silence and founder Darieth Chisolm are teaming up with The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to help bring awareness and fight suicide. TEXT HELLO TO 741741 FOR HELP. Or click here for help.


To create a global movement and advocate for change and protection for victims of cyber harassment we have to get into action and stay connected.

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