So what’s a meme and what’s it matter?

Here at 50 Shades of Silence, we think positive meme share is one way to encourage support, understand, awareness and advocacy. We’ve certainly seen the damaging effects of harassing memes, so our goal is to promote the use of memes in their highest, best use.

OK, so now that we’ve talked about why it matters to us, here’s the so called official definition of a meme.

An Internet meme is a cultural phenomenon that spreads from one person to another online.

A meme spread online could be just about anything that is voluntarily shared, including phrases, images, rumors, and audio or video files. In most cases, meme content is brief. In the case of an image, it’s usually just a picture with a line or two of text.

So now that you know what a meme is and why it matters, can we ask you to help us spread the message of 50 Shades of Silence by choosing a few memes and sharing them online on your social media platforms?

It’s easy, find the ones you like, click and choose the social media icon of your choice.

Please do us a huge favor and include #50shadesofsilence to your post and tag us too.

Thanks for helping out—we truly appreciate it.

Click on each image to open the full-size version and then save these images to your mobile device or desktop computer so that you can share the message of our movement with others.


To create a global movement and advocate for change and protection for victims of cyber harassment we have to get into action and stay connected.

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